Kalendář > Lawyer Ethics in Practice
From: 3.11.2015
To: 3.11.2015
Pro bono aliance
cordially invites you to
Lawyer Ethics in Practice
Come discuss the topic through challenging cases and your experiences at a business breakfast worskhop led by
Professor James E. Moliterno (Washington and Lee University School of Law)
Kinstellar, Na Příkopě 19, Praha 1
Tuesday 3 November 2015, 9:00-10:30
The working language is English. Registration via email (akce@probonoaliance.cz) by Tuesday 27 October required.
The event is kindly supported by the U.S. Embassy to the Czech Republic and Kinstellar.
Pro Bono Aliance’s primary goal is to make the legal instruments in the Czech Republic more effective in protecting human rights, public interest and important common values.
Pro Bono Aliance promotes better access to legal aid and socially responsible lawyering. To achieve its goals, Pro Bono Aliance organizes educational events, supports exchange of experience and facilitates cooperation between lawyers from NGOs and other legal professions, participates in legislative change, supports pro bono activities of lawyers and spreads information about the protection of human rights.